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Be a little less white rabbit....Join me at Bristol Health Hub, Natural Health Clinic 10-12 on 14 Ma

Sarah Clark ~ Mariposa Coaching

Time is always constant, it does not slow down or speed up!

Do you ask yourself where does it go? Does it feel like you are constantly rushing, weighed down by it? It may be you feel that others pack more productive activity into their day and you think how do they do it?

Making the most of your time is about self management & knowing your priorities. Working out which of your activities produce the most and ensuring you achieve your goals.

My mariposa coaching making the most of your time; getting the balance right workshop aims to help you to improve your ability to increase your ability to be more proactive, address barriers getting in the way such as procrastination and perfectionism and be effective in the way you manage your time. Some of the benefits should include:

•Productivity & motivation

•Greater sense of control

•Proactive rather than reactive

•Improved timekeeping

•Setting & achieving goals

•Tackling procrastination & perfectionism

•Having more time for you & your goals

•Delegating tasks

•Being more assertive

•More decisive

•Increased energy

Ceclia has summed up beautiful the ROI from my workshop below:

'Attending Sarah's workshop was a great opportunity to reflect on how we live our lives, what matters to us, what holds us back and how we can push forward with ease and no guilt. She has a lot of knowledge and enthusiasm and felt like she was present and connected with us throughout. I have found since that I look at my days from a different perspective, that flow and trust have taken the place of stress and lateness. Very inspirational'

Cecilia Bruzzone from Bristol

Contact or 07811 740580 today to book a place on 14.5 at Bristol Health Hub, Cotham Hill, Bristol 10-12 workshop!

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